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Posts uit juni, 2014 tonen

IDC Gili Islands Indonesia Testimonials

PADI IDC Gili Islands Testimonial of a Dive Instructor He may not be the best-looking dive instructor or IDC course director you’ve ever seen. Nor is he keen on a BIG night out slamming Vodka Josh and waking up naked next to a mermaid but hey; that’s not what will get you through the IE now is it? Camille’s approach to twelve days hard work and preparation for the IE is exactly that, twelve days of hard work and preparation! The first thing he’ll tell you is “it’s easy, IE stands for it’s easy! Now I know what you’re thinking cause I was just like you; this clown obviously doesn’t know whom he’s dealing with? I haven’t had a clue how I even became a dive-master and now this dude is going to prepare me to become an instructor? Help! But let me enlighten you with some positive feedback. When our group of nine students went into the IE we were more than ready! In fact, I doubt many of us even studied before the exams. Camille understands the art of teaching. He makes time for eve...

Oceans 5 dive resort supports Oceans CleanUp

Oceans 5 dive resort Gili Islands supports the Ocean CleanUp Project . "Human history is basically a list of things that couldn’t be done, and then were done." 19-year-old Boyan Slat combines environmentalism, entrepreneurism and technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. While diving in Greece, he became frustrated when coming across more plastic bags than fish, and wondered: "why can't we clean this up?" While still in secondary school, he then decided to dedicate half a year of research to understand plastic pollution and the problems associated with cleaning it up. This ultimately led to the passive cleanup concept, which he presented at a TEDx conference in 2012. To be able to show the concept he envisioned is technically feasible and financially viable, Boyan Slat paused his life as a first-year Aerospace Engineering student, to focus all his time to developing the idea. On June 3rd 2014, The Ocean Cleanup presented the 530-page feasibi...

PADI IDC Gili Islands starts the 16th of August

IDC Gili Islands will start another IDC the 16th of August. IDC Gili Islands is located in the beautiful dive resort Oceans 5 . Oceans 5 is a PADI Career Development and IDC dive resort. Oceans 5 conducts every month PADI IDCs. Oceans 5 dive resort has a special IDC. The price of a PADI IDC at Oceans 5 is Euro650. Why should you start an IDC an IDC at Oceans 5? 1) Oceans 5 has a especially designed for scuba diving 25 meter trainings pool [caption id="attachment_2264" align="alignnone" width="300"] PADI Rescue Exercise number 7[/caption] 2) Oceans 5 has a 70m2 meter classroom modern equipped with flat screen, iTV, AC, WIFI and relax corner [caption id="attachment_2444" align="alignnone" width="300"] IDC Class Room at IDC Gili Islands[/caption] 3) Oceans 5 has an environmental awareness [caption id="attachment_2279" align="alignnone" width="300"] reef clean up gili islands with Dive re...

MSDT Gili Islands

Become a Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) at Oceans 5 Gili Air, Indonesia Do you want to train your dive students to the highest purely recreational dive level in the PADI System of diver education, and then you'll want to become a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer by enrolling on our PADI MSDT course. By attaining this level, your dive students will know where to come when they want to learn from an expert. Diving around the Gili Islands is fantastic. The Gili Islands are part of the famous Coral Triangle. The Coral Triangle is a marine area located in the western Pacific Ocean. It includes the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and Solomon Islands. Named for its staggering number of corals (nearly 600 different species of reef-building corals alone), the region nurtures six of the world’s seven marine turtle species and more than 2000 species of reef fish. The dive sites are only maximum 30 minutes away from the dive shop. Aft...

Become a PADI Instructor or PADI Divemaster on the Gili islands

Have you ever tried scuba diving? Ever thought of becoming a PADI Divemaster or a PADI Dive Instructor . IDC Dive Resort Oceans 5 on the island of Gili Air, Indonesia offer fantastic “Zero to Hero” packages to get you diving like a pro in no time! Our two Zero to Hero packages are your perfect opportunity to change your life. Follow your dreams and become a professional PADI Divemaster or even a PADI Dive Instructor. Take the plunge, dive from zero to hero in no time and teach anywhere in the world. The team at Oceans 5 together PADI; have designed 2 fantastic programs: 1. From beginner diver to PADI Divemaster in 2 months. 2. From beginner diver to PADI Dive Instructor in 7 months. Bored with your job? Stuck at the office all day? It’s time for you to choose; start your new career as a professional diver at Oceans 5! Hupla For more information write us an email at or visit our website


IDC at Oceans 5 Oceans 5 dive resort has an special offer for every month. The first 5 IDC candidates will get the IDC for only EURO650. This is a huge discount comparing to the package Oceans 5 offers at this moment. Padi Instructor Development Course (IDC) starts every month. If you like to chance your life style, if you like the have the ocean as your office this is the way to go. Oceans 5 is a Padi IDC and Career Development Dive Resort located on Gili Air. Gili Air is part of the famous Gili Islands, North West Lombok. The diving around the islands offers diving for everyone. If you like big fish (sharks, bumpheads, trevallies, etc), small stuff (nudis, seahorses, pipefish) or turtles. It is a perfect place to start your IDC. The island is not that busy as Bali or Gili Trawangan, but has enough bars and restaurants to have in the evening a nice drink or dinner. Oceans 5 dive resort conducts every month IDCs. The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is a 10-12 day program tha...