New EFR Instructor Trainers at the Gili Islands

New EFR Instructor Trainers at the Gili Islands Emergency Responders save many lives each year by rendering CPR and first aid. As an EFR Instructor, you play an important role in this process but you can make even more of a difference by becoming an EFR Instructor Trainer. EFR Instructor Trainers have trained hundreds of new EFR Instructors around the world, and you can join this elite group. To enter the EFR Instructor Trainer course, you must: •Be an active EFR Primary and Secondary Care and Care for Children Instructor. •Have issued 25 Course Completion Authorization cards for any EFR course, or have taught at least five separate EFR courses. •Have no verified quality assurance issues on file within the past 12 months. The EFR Instructor Trainer course – based on the same instructional design and educational protocols as other EFR courses – was designed for busy people and has built in flexibility. Participants accomplish knowledge development through an online program that is flexible and easy to understand. Instructor candidates progress at their own pace and complete the course as their schedule permits. The online component is followed by a live practical training session with a current EFR Instructor Trainer. To get started, contact your Oceans 5 dive resort to register for the course. After registration, you’ll receive your EFR Instructor Trainer materials and a web link to the online knowledge development course. The online course consists of three curriculum presentations and a Self Study Knowledge Review. You also have the opportunity to develop a basic marketing plan for your EFR provider- and instructor-level training. After completing the online portion, it is simple to complete the course by attending a prescheduled Instructor Trainer Practical Session available in your area. You can complete these sessions in about four hours. For more information about practical session course dates and locations, contact your local Emergency First Response office. During the practical sessions, candidates discuss their marketing plan and consult with an EFR Instructor Trainer to help develop a successful instructor training business. Candidates also participate in hands-on teaching demonstrations and positive coaching techniques. The practical session concludes with an evaluation of the Self Study Knowledge Review completed during the online course and a written final exam. After you successfully complete the practical session, you may submit your EFR Instructor Trainer application to the local EFR Office. Once you are notified that Emergency First Response has approved your application, you are authorized to advertise and offer EFR Instructor courses. Oceans 5 dive resort organized a EFR Instructor Trainer course. 3 of Oceans 5 instructors became an EFR Instructor Trainer. Joeri, Giny and Riet did a great job and are starting teaching EFR instructor courses as soon as possible. Oceans 5 dive resort is a PADI Career Development Center located on the Gili Islands. Oceans 5 organizes every month Emergency First Response (EFR) Instructor courses with the IDCs. If you like to have more information about EFR Instructor Trainers at the Gili Islands please write an email to
